Minggu, Agustus 17, 2014

What is special day ??

Independence day of Indonesia, well I know I'm still being flat with this day because this day is just the same like a normal day...
even when I have a birthday, I still feel that *that* day is not special...
so what is special day ??

well, maybe some of you feel the way I'm feeling, and I asked my mother about this question...
she answered me by "which do you prefer ?? loving someone only in 14 of february or loving someone as much as 14 february ??"
then I started to realize something, that my day is not everyday is a normal day, instead of everyday is a special day for me, and by that special till I see that my day is just a normal day because I go everyday with my full of heart, if you know what I mean...
so for you that only give present (birthday), show love(14 feb), give a total lie(1 apr), show independence (independence day), show love to parents(mom/dad day) don't just do it on THAT date, but do it EVERYDAY...

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