Jumat, September 26, 2014

Reborn for Someone

Have you feel like live for someone ??
the most precious thing untill you want to do whatever they admire at...
I found the best girl in my life right now...
she is very admire at someone who is the opposite of my personality...
I don't know if it is the opposite or only her that feel the opposite...
cz I feel like that someone is 75% alike me...

but she don't feel like it cz she see me from the outside...
she see me from my words...
instead of seeing me from my mind...
well she is not wrong...
even I can't read myself too...
she always see me wrongly, I don't know why...
when we go to a beach at night...
I see 3 men talking each other...
but I can't see them cz I'm afraid...
she told me that that place is full of drunk people...
I know that I'm a man, I shouldn't afraid of them, but I'm afraid...
I'm a coward man...
what if I accidentaly punch them ??
I'm scared...
so I tell her to go back home, but she think me wrong...
she think the I dont like that place...
well okay, everybody will think like that right ??
cz she never see my eyes anyway, so how do she know of what I see...

but can't you see me when we are in the purapayung beach ??
why did you just mention a thing that the worst me ??
mention the past too, I like going to those place just the two of us and hearing the wave sound in the beach or feeling the wind that can make us fly away....
but when I think nothing and ignores you and stop seeing you...
I'm scared that you will think me that I don't like you....
but then, she think wrong again...
she think that I don't like that place, she think that I only like grabbing her hand, seeing her face and not feeling the place...
I want to show you that I love you more than anything, even the most beautiful thing in this world, I still can see your face and ignores them....
when we watch a movie in cinema, I still see your face, why ?? cz I don't want to feel you ignored by me...

I really wish that she will read this all, but..... she won't anyway...
even if she read this, she won't get the true message....
she will think that I'm wrong cz I always wrong in her thought...

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